10 minute yoga For The Back must Do

The Bridge

Focus: Spine

Level: Beginner

Total Time: 30 to 60 seconds

Indications: asthma, sinus problems; energizes thyroid, abdomen, lungs; relieves

menstrual pain, menopause symptoms; prevent headaches Contraindications:

neck injury

The bridge is great for many parts of your body but it primarily stretches out

your spine, neck and chest. It can also energize your thyroid, abdomen and

lungs. The bridge can help reenergize your legs, improve your digestion and can

help prevent headaches, fatigue, insomnia and back pain. Many people who

suffer from asthma, sinus problems, osteoporosis and high blood pressure find

the bridge very soothing. Women often find it helpful in relieving menstrual

pain and menopause symptoms. Warning: this pose can lead to neck injury if

performed incorrectly.

Lie down on the ground. You can place a blanket underneath your

shoulders for support if you desire. Bend your knees and pull them as

close to your sitting bones as you can.

Breathe out as you press your feet and arms into the ground and push your

tailbone up to activate your glutes before raising your hips off the ground.

Your knees should remain directly above your feet. It may help to fold

your hands under your pelvis and use your arms to support your


Move your knees away from your hips to lengthen your tailbone and

bring your pubis up toward your belly button.

Pull your chin away from your breastbone, tense your shoulder blades and

press your sternum up.

Remain in this position for up to 60 seconds, taking full, deliberate

breaths. To release, exhale while slowly lowering your back and hips onto

the ground.

The Extended Puppy

Focus: Spine

Level: Beginner

Total Time: 30 to 60 seconds

Indications: stress, insomnia

Contraindications: knee injury

The extended puppy opens your spine and shoulders. The only restriction for

this pose is if you have a knee injury.

Get down on all fours and make sure that your shoulders are directly

above your wrists and your hips are directly above your knees. Work

your hands slightly forward and curl your toes under your feet. Breathe

out and position your hips halfway to your feet. Avoid letting your

elbows make contact with the floor as you do this.

Lower your face toward the ground and release your neck. Your lower

back should remain slightly arched. Push your palms into the floor and

extend through your arms as you move your hips back. This movement

should cause a stretch to occur in your spine.

Remain in the extended puppy for 30 to 60 seconds, breathing deeply and

steadily, in and out.

To release yourself from this position, simply come back up onto all


The Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend

Focus: Spine

Level: Beginner

Total Time: 60 seconds

Indications: arthritis; detoxify kidneys,

Contraindications: modification for lower back injury

The wide-angle seated forward bend focuses on building strength in your spine

while stretching the backs and insides of your legs. It can stimulate your

abdominal organs and release your groin. Beginners who try this pose may find

it helpful to bend their knees until they have more practice. Experts believe the

wide-angle seated forward bend can improve arthritis symptoms and detox your

kidneys. Individuals with a lower back injury should sit on a folded blanket and

focus on keeping their torso erect.

Begin by getting into staff pose: sit down on the ground and stretch your

legs straight forward, flexing your ankles and bending your toes back

toward your torso, which is suspended straight and tall, rising from your

hips to the sky.

Angle your body back slightly, using your hands to support yourself, and

open your legs so that your pubis and apex form a 90-degree angle. Raise

yourself up on your hands and move your hips forward so that you can

widen your legs by 20 degrees.

Turn your thighs outward and push them into the ground so that your

kneecaps are pointed straight up. Press the balls of your feet into the

ground to stretch the soles of your feet.

Keeping your thighs pinned to the ground and your kneecaps stable,

gently stretch your hands between your legs, moving them as far forward

as you can, as if you were moving into a forward bend. Focus on moving

away from your hip joints and keeping the front of your body long.

Avoid bending at your waist; instead bend from your hips.

Try to increase the length of your stretch each time you breathe out. Keep

lengthening the stretch with every exhale until you can stretch no farther

in comfort.

Stay in this pose for at least 60 seconds. To release yourself from this

position, breathe in and raise your body up, keeping it long.

10 minute yoga For The Back must Do

Spine Twist

Focus: Spine

Level: Beginner

Total Time: 30 to 60 seconds

Indications: lower backache, sciatica, neck pain, second trimester pregnancy

Contraindications: blood pressure (high or low), headache, diarrhea, insomnia,


The spine twist focuses on building strength in your spine as well as your hips

and shoulders. It offers relief for lower backaches, sciatica, and neck pain.

Experts also believe the spine twist can help treat carpal tunnel syndrome. The

spine twist can massage your abdominal organs, relieve stress, and help with

digestion. Pregnant women may find it therapeutic to perform this pose through

their second trimester. Individuals with a headache, diarrhea, menstruation or

sleeplessness should avoid this pose, as should those who experience blood

pressure problems.

Begin by sitting on the ground with your legs in front of your body.

Transfer your weight to your right hip. Bend your knees and stretch your

legs to the left. Rest your feet on the ground outside of your left hip and

rest your ankle in your right arch.

Breathe in and raise the top of your chest to elongate the front of your

body. Breathe out and rotate your body to the right while keeping your

left buttock close to the ground. Elongate your tailbone into the ground

and soften your stomach.

Place your left hand behind your right knee and rest your right hand on

the ground next to your right hip. Slightly draw your left shoulder back

while tensing your shoulder blades across your back. Continue to rotate

to the right and turn your head to the right.

As you breathe in, continue to raise your torso through your chest. As

you breathe out, continue to rotate your body a little further.

Stay in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. To release yourself from this

pose, breathe out and untwist your body, returning to your starting


Repeat the twist, this time in the opposite direction.

10 minute yoga For The Back must Do

The Cobra

Focus: Spine

Level: Beginner

Total Time: 15 to 30 seconds

Indications: asthma

Contraindications: headache, pregnancy, carpal tunnel, back injury

The cobra focuses on building strength in your spine while simultaneously

opening your shoulders, abdomen, lungs, and chest. It is great for opening up

your lungs and heart, making it very therapeutic for individuals who suffer from

asthma. Those who have a headache or who are pregnant should avoid this

pose, as should people with carpal tunnel syndrome or a back injury.

Begin by lying on your stomach with your face down, your legs straight

out behind you, and the tops of your feet flat on the ground. Place your

hands under your shoulders, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Press your pubis, thighs and feet into the ground.

Breathe in, raise your chest off the ground by straightening your arms and

pushing your torso up to a comfortable height. Press your tailbone into

your pubis and raise your pubis toward your belly button to shorten your

hip points. Slightly tense your hips.

Tense your shoulder blades across your back as you extend your ribs

ahead. Raise yourself through the top of your chest. Ensure that your

backbend is even throughout your entire spine.

Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds while you breathe normally. To

release yourself from this position, breathe out and lower your body back

to the groun

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